The Codex Alimentarius Commission is a UN body with the mission to create international food guidelines. The intention of these guidelines is to promote trade among the signatory nations, not to promote health. After the Codex guidelines are implemented in the US, about 75 per cent of the vitamins, minerals, herbs, homeopathics, and other natural remedies currently available on the US market will be banned. Codex will mandate pesticide use, irradiation, and that GMO foods will not be labeled. CODEX Will Destroy Our Nutritional Supplements And Organic Foods
The US agreed to implement the Codex guidelines when it signed onto CAFTA (the Central American Free Trade Agreement). The US must change its laws to conform to the Codex guidelines in 2009. Unless, we the people protest and try to stop it.
At this point you may be thinking “This will never happen.” Perhaps you remember past attempts to get rid of, or to undermine, DSHEA (the current US law that declares vitamins and minerals are food and therefore cannot be restricted or limited). This, however, is different. Previous attempts to eradicate the natural health industry in the US were initiated domestically, by US politicians (backed, of course, by representatives ofB the pharmaceutical industry). The Codex guidelines, however, are international in scope. Therefore, if the US does not change its laws to conform to Codex guidelines, it risks being sanctioned by the World Trade Organization. This is no joke. Recently the US used the WTO to force the European Union to accept importation of its GMO food.
By Rima Laibow MD
CODEX ALIMENTARIUS is a UN-sponsored global food standards body that is deceptively promoted as “consumer protection.” Based on junk science (by wrongly treating nutrients as toxins) it is a serious threat to your health and health freedom. CODEX ALIMENTARIUS serves the financial interests of massive multi-national corporations who are illegally pushing to implement CODEX ALIMENTARIUS in the United States of America.
CODEX is harmful to nutritional supplements because it says “YES” to:
• Supplement doses so low that they have no therapeutic effect on you
• Making Vitamin C (and all other vitamins and minerals) above a tiny dose per day an illegal substance
• Prohibiting all but a tiny number of supplements sold in uselessly tiny doses
CODEX is harmful to natural health because it says “YES” to:
• Destroying the Wellness Industry in order to wipe out competition to the Pharmaceutical Industry (the more people turn to natural health, the fewer drugs they buy because the fewer drugs they need)
• Ruining health food stores and wellness companies by wiping out and criminalizing natural health products
CODEX is harmful to organic meat and dairy because it says “YES” to:
• Mandating that all food animals be treated with synthetic growth hormones and antibiotics despite their documented dangers to you and your family
• Mandating that all dairy cows be treated with Monsanto’s rBGH (genetically engineered bovine growth hormone) despite its documented dangers for you and your family
CODEX is harmful to organic agriculture and clean food because it says “YES” to:
• Unlabeled use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in your food, despite their documented dangers to you and your family
• Degrading organic standards to the point at which they become meaningless
• Raising permissible levels for pesticides, veterinary drugs and other toxins in farming to extremely dangerous levels (so manufacturers of these poisons can make more money)
• Mandating that all food must be irradiated unless eaten locally and raw
CODEX is harmful to you and the Earth because it says “NO” to :
• Your freedom of choice in health products and natural medicine treatments
• Clean, unadulterated food and a meaningful certified organic farming system
• Our planet’s environmental health (CODEX would toxify our world even more)
To learn more about CODEX ALIMENTARIUS and what you can do or to read the full Citizen Petition written by the Natural Solutions Foundation. Visit Laibow's Web site at www.HealthFreedomUSA.org.
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