More than 20,000 residents of Chula Vista, California, have signed the GPPI initiative that would require any developer who wants to build higher than 84 feet (in an area outside of those areas permitted or exempted by the General Plan) to seek and obtain voter approval.
The initiative would also limit the building height of 10 additional parcels in the Third Avenue Village area to 45 feet.
The County Registrar has validated the initiative for the ballot. But city officials continue to ignore the will of the people by pushing through their Urban Core Specific Plan (UCSP) forward on April 26 while delaying a vote on the initiative until June, 2008.
Your help is needed to convince the City Council to either adopt the GPPI or call a prompt election to resolve this issue prior to approval of the UCSP. Here is how you can weigh in:
Attend the Chula Vista Council Meeting on Tuesday, April 17, at 6 p.m.
Sign a speaker’s slip and urge the council :
- to either immediately adopt the changes called for by the GPPI or
- to call a prompt election.
- by calling City Hall at (619) 691-5044 or
- by sending an email to cityclerk@ci.chula-vista.ca.us
1 comment:
The issue should not be building height but good urban design. Earl Jentz is short-sighted and possibly self-serving with all the money he has spent to get this to ballot. Push for better pedestrian and bicycle access and more open space in the UCSP. Taller buildings will help to create positive outcomes from west Chula Vista's coming redevelopment.
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