Colt Hall @ PLNU
Do you have an FTP client? Can you download any page you want to change, make those changes without screwing up your existing code and then FTP them back up to a Web site? Are you lost? You need this forum.Get the facts from the experts and arm yourself for the future. A news forum focusing on new hi-tech skills for low-tech folk will be held in the Colt Hall at Point Loma Nazarene University, 3900 Lomaland Drive, San Diego, Calif. 92106-2810, at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, June 14.
The panelists will be: Reo Carr (associate publisher, San Diego Business Journal), Jeremiha Douglas (a senior at High Tech High who will give a presentation on what he sees as the next big thing – you won’t want to miss this), Jeff Dillon (Weblogs Administrator, SignOnSanDiego.com) and Bob Hawkins (principal content producer, SignOnSanDiego.com) .
Cost: $10 (San Diego Press Club Members), $12 (potential members), $5 (students)
RSVP by e-mail: sdpressclub@cox.net or by phone: (619) 231-4340.
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