Support the vigil for Ian Tomlinson
The location of the vigil for Ian Tomlinson is inspiring and beautiful with candles and flowers arranged around the fountain by the Royal Exchange in the passage off Cornhill. It is a bridgehead in the city of London.
Activists plan to keep it going as long as possible. The site is fully respected by the police and even the City of London corporation roadworks have been held up out of respect.
Those who stayed over last night need a rest. Chris Knight is 66 he can't stay out every night. Two or three people are urgently needed to stay overnight. All you need is a bed roll, sleeping bag, a little food and water. Further support will arrive early in the morning.
If you can visit, take along extra candles, tea lights, flowers, bottles, vases, and if you could make it through the night there are nice comfortable doorways to spread a bed roll and sleeping bag.